Corralco, Volcan Lonquimay, Chile
The basic Corralco ski center sits at the base of Volcan Lonquimay in the heart of Chile’s araucaria forests. The dinosaur era Araucaria trees, also known as ‘monkey puzzle’ trees, arouse the imagination and evoke images of skiing through the pages of a Dr. Seuss book. A few simple lifts service the wide-open southeastern flanks of Volcan Lonquimay. Corralco is blessed with plentiful snowfall, over 3000 acres of terrain and minimal crowds. Those looking for a challenge can spend 3-4 hours climbing to the summit of the 2890-meter (9,480 foot) volcano where a steep, technical descent awaits.
Volcan Lonquimay is one of many immense volcanoes in the region. This volcanic area is blessed with an abundance of hot springs to soak the bones after a day on the slopes. Our accommodations along the banks of the Cautin River provide a tranquil setting while Hans, our bubbly host at The Anden Rose, treat us to delicious home cooked meals. Corralco is certainly off the beaten track and private transportation is essential in reaching its base area. A powder hound’s dream, Corralco is featured on both our Endless Winter and Southern Cross tours. It’s magical setting and often powder conditions will put it on your personal ski map forever.

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